We know survivors have basic needs that we can help them meet. The list below are needed items survivors are asking us for.
Needs List :
Gift cards for King Soopers, Target, Lyft, Amazon, Visa (highest need)
Tampons, pads, period products (highest need)
Gently Used Men's/teen boys' clothing (all sizes) (highest need)
New Men's Underwear (all sizes) (highest need)
New Men's Socks (highest need)
Men's Shoes (all sizes)
New Sports Bras (all sizes)
New Women's Underwear (all sizes)
New Women's Socks (all sizes)
Sweats-shirt and pants (men’s and women’s, all sizes)
Diapers (sizes 5-6 are priority, all sizes welcome)
Toilet paper
Laundry detergent (pods) and dryer sheets
New blankets
Tupperware containers
Kitchen utensils
Kitchen spice set
Large-size laundry baskets
Flip flops (all sizes)
Full-size Shampoo and Conditioner
Full-size hair products for different hair types/textures
Combs and brushes
Shampoo and Conditioner
Face wash
Body wash
Children's hygiene products
Children's toys/coloring books
As Voluntad connects human trafficking survivors to new housing, we know a lot is needed to make a new place feel like a home. We would love to give each survivor a “house in a box” when they get a new place.
Donate a whole box or a few of the items to give survivors the supplies they need to make their new place their home. These items can be bought and shipped through Amazon by using our Amazon wish list- https://a.co/j6u6rip
House in a box:
Full-size bed in a bag
2 New bath towels and 2 new washcloths
2 New pillows
Kitchen items
Pots and pans
Cleaning supplies
Dish soap
Scrub sponges
Laundry detergent & fabric softener
Shower curtain
Laundry basket
Gift cards for King Soopers, Walmart, and/or Target
Amazon Wish List
Amazon has made donating to Street's Hope/ Voluntad simple! Purchase items on our *Voluntad's Wish List* and Amazon will directly ship them to us.
Round Up at Walmart!
Did you know that every time you shop on Walmart.com, you can round up your change and donate it to us? Learn how small acts can lead to big impact!
You can also purchase need list items right from Walmart.com Check out our Walmart Registry here.
We are looking for Partners!
Do you have connections with:
Moving Companies
Mattress Companies
New Electronics (computers, laptops, other devices)