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Are Voluntad's Housing Services for you?

Voluntad has funds to support any survivor of human trafficking in need of short term housing (6-24 months).

Funds can be used for:
Security deposits, rent, child care, transportation, job training, and employment.


What is human trafficking?
The use of orce, fraud, or coercion to exploit a person for labor services or commercial sex.

Does someone else control:

  • Where you go and what you do?

  • Your money?

  • Your phone?

  • Your ID or other documents?

Does a family member, intimate partner, trusted person or employer:

  • Force you to perform work in exchange for basic needs?

  • Lie to you about the work to be done or the pay you will recieve?

  • Control who you can talk to?

  • Take the money you earn?

Next Steps:
Submit the Service Request form, call 303-433-2712, text 720-772-1864 or email

A Voluntad team member will be in touch with you within 24 hours.


Administrative & Business Contact Information:

Call: 720-670-9466


Mailing Address:

PO Box 9794 Denver, CO 80209

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