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تبرعك يدعم عملنا مع الناجين من الاتجار بالبشر. معًا ، نحدث فرقًا.


To ensure we can provide our services to survivors each month, please consider making  your donation a recurring gift!

Give through PayPal:


Other Ways to Support Human Trafficking Survivors!

Host a needs drive!

Participate in hand-to-hand giving by hosting a needs drive. Get your community involved (your church, employer, school, clubs, etc.) to collect items that survivors need most.

Support survivors when you buy groceries!

Enroll Street's Hope as your Community Rewards recipient on your King Soopers card. Every time you swipe your card (or enter Alt ID) at checkout, Street's Hope automatically starts earning a rebate.

Purchase single items from our Amazon Wish List

Shop for items on our *Street’s Hope’s Wish List* and Amazon will directly ship them to us.

Round up at Walmart & shop our registry!

   When you shop at you can round up your change and donate to us. Click here to learn more.


You can also purchase need list items right from Check out our Walmart Registry here.


Administrative & Business Contact Information:

Call: 720-670-9466


Mailing Address:

PO Box 9794 Denver, CO 80209

Connect with us

ابق على اتصال مع Voluntad. اشترك في النشرة الإخبارية الشهرية لتكون على دراية بما نحن بصدده والأحداث القادمة.

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