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News & Events

Join us for our
Conversations that Matter Event

As summer ends and school begins Voluntad invites you to a conversation about human trafficking in schools and how school-aged children can be targeted by traffickers.

The Details:

  • When: Tuesday, September 13th

  • Time: 5:30 pm

  • Where: Emerson School, 1420 N Odgen Street Denver CO 80218

  • Special guest: Jill Brogdon will be speaking based on her lived experience.

Resources to learn more about the topic:

Conversations that Matter (2)_edited.jpg


Administrative & Business Contact Information:

Call: 720-670-9466


Mailing Address:

PO Box 9794 Denver, CO 80209

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Tetap berhubungan dengan Voluntad. Mendaftarlah ke buletin bulanan kami untuk mengetahui apa yang sedang kami lakukan dan acara yang akan datang.

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